Small Business
1-10 employees
Medium Sized Businesses
10-2500 Employees
Large Businesses
2500 – 10000+.
About us
Your employees talk to each other. Be on their good side!
According to Harvard Business Review, “close work friendships boost employee satisfaction by 50%.” Moreover, “people with a best friend at work are seven times more likely to engage fully in their work..
Let your team members know that they are special too.
Did you get a Birthday card from your Boss last year? Nah…I didn’t think so..
Remember that time you thought it would come and it didn’t? Doesn’t that make you unhappy as an employee?
“Why would I want to work someplace that doesn’t care about me” said every employee ever?
Increase your productivity
Studies show that an employee that is happy will increase their productivity by almost 17% and for the sales team it increases to almost 37%! What could your business do with that productivity increase?
Increase your employee satisfaction
No one wants to go to a job where no one cares about them. A birthday card says that you and your company does.
Retain Employees longer
So you say that you care about your employees but you didn’t send them anything on their Birthday, Christmas…anything? Why would they stay with your company when they can find happiness elsewhere?
Happy employees do the best work
Having trouble with production from your employees stems from their desire to work for a company that cares about their mental wellbeing.

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Let us save your company and keep your employees happy. Try it one year and see the difference we make. Can you handle the flood of compliments? Try us out today.